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Today's comic has an bonus feature... ThunderousBattleVision! Just click the ThunderousBattleVision button below the comic to activate. (yep, javascript required.) And for SuperFans... check out the bonus Quicktime movie of Simon battling the Praire Dog! :)

Forum tidbits! Snaggy sets the benchmark with Who has the fastest Mac at Geek Culture? XBench yourself! , ... and points to a tetris-playing computer , ... faeriedreamer ponders the bizarre act of flirting with men , ... markhb wonders Did You Ever Use... The Ultimate Abandonware , ... Lizzle confesses to her shameful Bachelorette addiction , ... and be sure to Wish TB luck!

wow!And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... DigitalBill exposes all with a Kilt fashion show! and Snaggy does some Testing Testing, adding the Clubhouse to RSS and TaTs.

Awesome shirts at the webstore!


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Seriously cool propeller beanies!

...and don't forget... those SuperFan Voluntary Subscriptions!...get access to the SuperFan Clubhouse, and as an additonal treat, Solid Nitrozanium SuperFans can appear in the comic! Here's the info!

shake it up!

February 11th

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The QuickPoll was...

Who do you think will win this clash of titans?
  • Simon the Teddy Bear will be Champion!
  • My money is on the Challenger, the Prairie Dog of War.
  • I still believe this fight can be avoided with non-violent protest.
  • I'm hoping for a return of the Linus Torvalds Blow-up Doll.
  • This is obviously some kind of software screw up, and the Geek is imagining it all.
  • When stuffed titans clash in the desert, no one wins.

View the Results

Help keep this cartoon universe alive by tipping the real-life cartoonists! The current episode is brought to you in part by Stephan Fiedler and Jack Holt! Thanks Stephan and thank you Jack! | Donation FAQ
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